The Ephesian’s Mandate


Stem of Faith Ministries International is an Apostolic Movement [Multi-denominational Ministry] given to this world by our Lord Jesus Christ for the purpose of fulfilling the Ephesian’s Mandate.


At the latter part of 2014, the Lord gave a young college man, Prince Mensah series of prophetic dreams, visions and experiences. One of such experiences, he encountered an angel who handed over a file to him with the inscription “Stem of Faith Ministries International” and the angel said, “God wants you to establish this ministry”.


In another experience, he encountered our Lord Jesus Christ and Jesus placed a crown on his head saying, “To you going to the Church of Ephesus, you shall succeed in your mission” Hence the Ephesian’s Mandate.


Mission:- To bring people back to their first love (Rev 2:4)


Goal:- To ensure that people across the world cultivate a healthy intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Departments/ Smaller Ministries:

Our mandate is designed to be carried out in the various departments/ smaller ministries under SOFMI as God leads, such as;

  • SOFMI Cyber & Mobile Church:- Fellowship arm where we study the word of God, pray, minister and receive ministrations over Free Conference Call App or mtn Conference call.
  • Pistis Bible Institute & Seminary:- Training arm where we equip and empower believers to do the work of the ministry.
  • SOFMI Missions:- Fellowship arm where we reach people from other nations with the Word of the Lord.
  • Online Prophetic Service:- We respond to people’s prophetic word request through our website.
  • Faith Gospel Campaign:- Arm that takes the Gospel of Jesus to the unsaved and unreached.
  • Faith Missions & Outreach:- Arm that cater for the needs of street children, orphans, poor and needy as well as dig wells for rural communities.
  • Stem of Faith Chapel International:- Fellowship arm where we meet as Church in a building. Not yet activated. 
  • SOFMI Fellowship of Ministries:- Arm that connect all other ministries subjected to our covering as well as Sons & Daughters of Prophet Prince Mensah who are General Overseers or Ministers who wants an official relationship with us.
  • Holy Ghost Revolution:- Arm that takes the word of the Lord to schools & colleges campuses.