Our Prophetic House Calls

Prophetic House Calls

Just like Cornelius in the book of Acts reached out to Peter because he believed Peter had a word for him and his family, so Prophet Prince is opening his doors for cell groups, family units, home fellowships or small groups who believe the Lord is leading them to contact him should do so for a not more than 2hours meeting whether physically or through Technology (Skype, Facebook Messenger Call, Gotomeeting, Free Conference Call, etc).


Prophetic House Call is opened to people residing in any nation and for the purpose of strengthening and building up the Body of Christ. It shall entail teaching, prayer, personal prophecy, baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of tongues speaking, and other ministrations as requested by host and led by the Holy Spirit.


These meetings are totally free of charge but opportunity will be offend for the hosting group to give an offering of any amount as led.


Please contact us if you would like to host a meeting for your cell groups, family units, home fellowships or small groups regardless of location.


Set your proposed date and time and reach out to us.