Do you desire to prophesy with accuracy?

Do you desire to prophesy with accuracy?


Do you want to grow your prayer life, prophetic gift, and intimacy with God?


Are you called to be a prophet and need someone to walk you through?


Do you need a mentor in the prophetic?


You are in the right place. I grew up seeing visions and dreaming dream but I had a hard time understanding them. In 2014 the Lord spoke to me and called me to the prophetic ministry and by that time, I knew no modern prophet neither had I been to any prophetic program nor saw someone prophesying before. The only prophets I knew were those in the bible. I had to struggle a lot and by grace the Holy Spirit taught me as well as Pastor Samuel Ahiabah (Resident Pastor, CACI Moline) mentored me and helped me develop my prophetic and ministry foundation. From Pastor Ahiabah counsel, I benefited from prophetic books and from prophetic mentorship programs of Prophet Bernard El Bernard (Founder, Spiritlife Revival Ministries), Prophet Gary Morse (Founder, Gary Morse Ministry) and Bishop Edwin Ewusie Brookman (Founder, Rhema Calvary Centre). For practicality and activations exercise, Apostle John Eckhardt (General Overseer, Crusaders Ministries) and Prophet Adam Becker (Founder, Elisha Serves Ministries) really helped me.


By God’s grace, I have mentored several others in the prophetic and they are prophesying with accuracy and precision even people who have never heard from God before until my mentorship program.


As I was mentored, I am also making myself available to mentor people who are interested in the prophetic. If you are new to the prophetic or old, if you want to breakthrough and make more impact with your prophetic gift, contact me.


Our prophetic mentorship program is in two dimensions;


1. Formal mentorship (FM) program:- This is done through Pistis Bible Institute & Seminary. This involves the mentee enrolling into our accredited (Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor, Masters, Doctorate) in Prophetic Ministry program and they shall be trained, seasoned and awarded. Class session is both onsite and online (zoom).


2. Informal mentorship (IM) program:-This is done through phone calls and emails. This only allows the mentee limited access of not more than one hour a month with Prophet Prince for discussion and equipping. This is free of charge but mentees are encouraged to sow seeds and give love offerings as they are led by the Holy Spirit.